Market Snapshot US Concierge Medicine: 2019

    The white paper is a short and sweet introduction to Concierge medicine in the United States, with term definitions, different nuances, and various key stats. It also addressed the specific challenges and opportunities in this “unofficial” specialty. Read on if…

  • You are a physician seeking an alternative delivery model as you are tired of dealing with insurance or government payer paperwork.
  • You are an employer who provides employer-sponsored health plans and wishes to elevate the effectiveness of your healthcare investment by providing higher quality “Preventive Healthcare” rather than “Reactive Sick Care” (which is usually XX times more expensive per encounter). (As Concierge medicine has a “cousin” called “Direct Primary Care”, similar principal but more cost-effective. Please contact us for more details)
  • You are a healthcare innovator who is consistently seeking new ways to fix our “broken”, “expensive” healthcare system.
  • You are a patient who is sick and tired of deteriorating healthcare access and quality in the last 15 years and looking for alternatives.

It meant to help doctors, investors who are considering this alternative delivery model. We hope that this short 15 minutes read can help you organize your thoughts and refine your plan to “up your game”…

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